May 15, 2010

Ending on a High Note

I don't think my last few days in Madrid could have been any better (besides the leaving part)! On Friday I headed back to the Reina Sofia and Prado museums for the last time before meeting up with the majority of the Vassar-Wesleyan on program for a good bye drink at Cerveceria Alemania.

Today, Saturday, marked the Festival de San Isidro - a huge holiday in Madrid that honors... Saint Isidro! As a result, the past few nights have been filled with outdoor concerts and generally high spirits around the city, but today was particularly special. Gran Via, the main avenue in Madrid, was covered in a blue carpet and converted into a pedestrian-only zone. During the day, madrilenos pranced through the city streets in their traditional clothes -- the women donned mantillas (embroidered shawls) and red flowers in their hair while the men wore black and white plaid jackets with matching caps. Too cute!! Decorated with a huge cake in celebration of its 100th birthday, the main drag was also the site of music and midnight fireworks! How many people can say they've legally "botelloned" while sitting on Gran Via?!?
My last night is pretty hard to capture in words or pictures, but let's say we toasted to just about everything!

For my last big meal, my senora prepared gazpacho, paella, and flan! For dessert, I brought home some listas and Santa Claras (pastries that are typically enjoyed for the San Isidro Festival).


  1. I'm going to miss your blogs, Lill, but will love to have you home again. Love, Dad

  2. and we are missing you here, in Madrid, without blogs, Anika was knocking your door....calling for a dinner )))))
    ok, happy back home ))))) and waiting you online in skype
